Kristen Jacob, a Larken Lineup member and the founder of Snooze Clues, is a Certified Lactation Counselor, Newborn Care Specialist, and Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. As a mother to a two-year old girl, Kristen found herself overwhelmed with the social pressures and opinions forced onto new parents, the abundance of parenting information, and the doubt that comes with not knowing the “best” option. Now Kristen is able to use her extensive knowledge of schedule changes and feeding needs to help parents determine the optimal feeding solutions for each child, while encouraging parents to become more confident in the decisions they make for their families.  

Kristen realizes that finding a breastfeeding schedule that works for you and your child is a task much easier said than done, especially when travel can disrupt these routines. To help ease the stress of adapting to schedule changes, we spoke with Kristen about her tips for breastfeeding on-the-go: 

What are your top tips for feeding? 

  • Initiate breastfeeding in the first hour of life. Skin to skin contact gives you and your baby the best start to breastfeeding.
  • Formula does not negate all of the benefits of breastmilk. If your baby is getting any amount of formula, they are still getting all of the benefits of breastmilk. 
  • Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Combo feeding (a balance of breastmilk and formula) has saved many feeding relationships! 

What are some tips for on-the-go breastfeeding?

  • Feed your baby however you need to, wherever you need to, whenever you need to. Your baby’s needs should take precedence over everyone else’s opinion of you!
  • A hand pump is such an underrated breast pump. It is easy to transport and a great option if you don’t like nursing at the breast in public.

What’s your best piece of advice for a new mom adapting to a pumping/feeding routine?

  • When adapting to a new routine, ounces pumped and fed matter more than the time at which you are pumping and feeding. Holiday travel and events can throw off your normal feeding and pumping sessions but try not to sweat it. If you miss a feed or a pump, just add in another pumping session at some other point during the day to protect your supply.  
  • No one is offering to go home with you and feed your baby in the middle of the night, so be an advocate for your own schedule to keep your family on track! It’s ok to say no to events that really don’t work well for your family.

What steps can I take to prepare for breastfeeding while traveling? 

  • Keep your stress levels in check. Increased stress levels, especially around the holidays, can be one of the main causes of blocked ducts and mastitis. 
  • Blocked ducts: One of the first signs of plugged ducts are sore lumps in the breast. These lumps form when your milk does not drain properly and creates a build-up. Management for plugged ducts usually includes pain control with Ibuprofen, a warm compress on plugged duct site prior to breastfeeding or pumping, or a breast massage. For a massage, I recommend that you apply pressure and massage pushing plugged areas towards the nipple while the baby is feeding or while pumping.
  • Mastitis: Mastitis can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, yellowish discharge from the nipple, and tender, warm breasts. If only one of your breasts is affected, keep feeding on the other breast to maintain milk flow and create some drainage. Similar to a fungal infection, warm compresses, a good bra, and massages can help your breast recover from mastitis.

Are there any tips you recommend for transporting milk while traveling? (air, car, train, bus)

  • It is important to keep in mind that when traveling on a plane, diaper bags, pumping bags, and bags with breastmilk or formula bottles do not count towards your carry-on bag allotment.
  • You can take as many ounces of breastmilk or formula through security, but anything in liquid form has a right to be tested by TSA. 
  • Be sure to inform the TSA officer at the beginning of the screening process that you are carrying formula or breast milk to save yourself from any extra hassle. 


What products would you recommend for breastfeeding on-the-go? 


You can learn more about Kristen Jacob by keeping up with our Larken Lineup series where experts share useful resources for parents and families. 

Please keep in mind that our content is not medical advice and does not serve as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor and health team for medical advice.