A Message from Katie + Maggie

To the Larken Community

We hope women feel confident and empowered at any stage in their motherhood journeys. As moms, we have second guessed ourselves constantly - not only as new moms but also the second and third time around. Having trusted resources that we could go to for questions on all things mom life was incredibly valuable but not always the easiest to find. We are so thrilled to support our Larken moms and bring them helpful information and a community of experts and other moms they can go to with all their questions so they can feel confident during this journey.


Larken's Lineup is designed to provide you with valuable resources and support you along every step of the way, through personal experience, helpful context, and empathetic points of view. It takes a village – and we are so proud of ours. 

As always, the information shared by these women or in any of the resources does not constitute medical advice. Please consult your own medical team to discuss your personal needs.


Every mom and mom-to-be knows the importance of community during the journey to parenthood. That’s why we created the Larken Lineup – a group of women to help make complicated things a bit easier. From pro tips on nursing and pumping to labor and delivery, postpartum support, and mental health care, the Larken Lineup is here for you.

Read more about the inspiration behind the program in our founders' interview.


How To Combine Breastfeeding & Pumping

As a new mom, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to balance breastfeeding and pumping⎯if you choose to do both. When it comes to feeding your baby,...

What Clothes To Wear After A C-section

While recovering from a C-section, finding clothes that are comfortable, functional, and aren’t tight is so important. The area around your incision can be tender and might be sensitive for...

Pregnancy Safe Sleeping Positions

Expecting a new baby is an exciting time, but it can also come with sleepless nights. If you’re a mom-to-be, you may be trying to figure out how to get...

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